Love: Life of Valor Eternal

Have you ever thought that Love is an Acronym?
Movies have messages; however, sometimes it is hard to hear the messages because of the action that is shown. Take Spike Lee’s move Miracle at St. Anna, this movie is packed with 20 minutes of blood and guts killing scene with only a few surviving. Half of the audience left, my guides told me to stay there was more to the story. I did not intend to see this movie when I went to see what was playing, I was called to see it. Yes, it was a long time ago; however, the message was about faith. Faith in God, the faith that men had with each other, there was an underlining of trust that the group of men had to have and did have with each other. There was only a few that survived that encounter at St. Anna’s and the story line was that of Faith. I felt blessed to have my spiritual guides guide me to a movie that I would have never set out to go see. The message was strong, yes, the 20 minutes in the beginning was gross and I closed my eyes a few times, however, the message was worth it.
Transformers, those movies that are out always have a message. The last Transformers Movie, The Last Knight, was that of fighting for what they believed in. Transformers are always working together with a group of humans to battle the dark side. Last week I watched that movie again maybe my second or third time, however was drawn to it again. I almost picked something else however I stuck with it until the end and when Megatron talked at the end of the movie he said something like, “there are more secrets to this planet…”. That is when I asked my spirit guides, “what am I missing? Is there something I am missing?” At the moment I heard LOVE is an Acronym. It means Life of Valor Eternal.
I looked up the word Valor and saw that the Jewish faith uses this word a lot. There is also a minister, Men of Valor Men’s Ministry -World of Peace International Ministry, and there this is a picture of roses with a saying about Woman of Valor which can purchased.
What is Valor? When you look it up, it is all the actions and emotions that Mother/Father God want us to possess: Courage, Bravery, Fearlessness, Boldness, Spirit, Lionheartedness (brave and determined), Nerve, Gallantry and Heroism. When we ask Mother/Father God for help, assistance, protection, we want them to do this with Valor. Genesis1:27, “In the day that God created man, He made him in His own likeness.” Own Likeness, Live your Life of Valor Eternally. Fearlessness, this is something that we all struggle with. What we need to do is give this internal struggle to Mother/Father God since they have Valor mastered! If you don’t live your life with Valor what kind of Life are you truly living. Are you living with judgement in your own head that someone will care how brave and determined you are? Does it matter what Human Beings think, or does it matter that you are living in a faith filled life and whatever you are doing you are living it with compassion, LOVE, and dignity (the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect).
Life of Valor Eternal(Immortal) (LOVE)
Instead of hoping for Love be LOVE!
God Bless!
If you struggle with faith and Living Life of Valor Eternal, Divine Energy Management can assistance in hearing your guides for direction. Contact Us on on the Appointment Page!